4925 Greenville Ave suite 380, Dallas, TX 75206
Sunil Mathew is a physical therapist, specializing in treating patients with traumatic brain injuries, stroke, tumor resection, and other forms of acquired brain injuries. Sunil earned his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from University of Texas Medical Branch in 2012. Sunil has worked in a variety of settings throughout the continuum of care – acute rehabilitation, inpatient rehabilitation, post-acute rehabilitation and day treatment/outpatient.
Sunil is a Neuro-IFRAH® Instructor, having been mentored directly by the author of the Neuro-IFRAH® Approach, Waleed Al-Oboudi, MOT, OTR. Sunil currently teaches Neuro-IFRAH® Introductory and Certification Courses in the Treatment and Management of Adults with Hemiplegia from a Stroke or Brain Injury. Neuro-IFRAH Clinical Certified™ and Neuro-IFRAH Clinical Advanced Trained™
Sunil has a passion and vision for rehabilitation. He currently serves patients through Neuro-IFRAH CLINICS by Waleed in the DFW area. In his free time, Sunil enjoys spending time with his wife and two children.
4925 Greenville Ave suite 380, Dallas, TX 75206
3252 Holiday Ct suite 207,
La Jolla CA 92037-0025, United States
Phone: 1 (858) 900-7755 Fax: 1 (858) 900-7655
Copyright ©2021-2025 Neuro-IFRAH, Inc. All Rights Reserved.