Ph: 1 877-806-3323
40 E 23 street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10010
Arthur Zolotarevsky, P.T., M.S., Ph.D.c. graduated from Cleveland State University in 1996. He has worked in the New York area since his graduation, working in acute, subacute, outpatient and home care settings. Arthur was a Director of the Rehabilitation Institute at Cobble Hill Health Center, in Brooklyn, NY. Arthur began specialized training in the treatment of adults with hemiplegia from a stroke or brain injury in 1997 under the instruction of Waleed Al-Oboudi M.S. OTR/L, the originator of the Neuro-Integrative Functional Rehabilitation & Habilitation (Neuro-IFRAH®) approach. Arthur also had a privilege of assisting Waleed Al-Oboudi in a few of his projects abroad. Arthur completed the Neuro-IFRAH Instructor® training program in November 2011. He is Neuro-IFRAH International™ and Neuro-IFRAH Global™, Neuro-IFRAH Clinical Certified™ and Neuro-IFRAH Clinical Advanced Trained™.
Rafal Pawlik graduated from the Academy of Physical Education, Krakow, Poland with a Masters Degree in Physical Therapy in 1998. He has worked in a variety of settings: sub-acute, rehab, home health and outpatient, mostly with patients affected by stroke and brain injury. For the past 8 years he has been mainly focused on delivering care and treatment to patients at their homes. In September of 2010, Rafal completed the Neuro-IFRAH Instructor training course under the guidance of Waleed Al-Oboudi, MOT, OTR/L, the author of the Neuro-IFRAH approach. Neuro-IFRAH Clinical Certified™ and Neuro-IFRAH Clinical Advanced Trained™
1 877-806-3323
40 E 23 street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10010
3252 Holiday Ct suite 207,
La Jolla CA 92037-0025, United States
Phone: 1 (858) 900-7755 Fax: 1 (858) 900-7655
Copyright ©2021-2025 Neuro-IFRAH, Inc. All Rights Reserved.